I love my kids so very much and I just wanted to list a few of my favorite things they do.
-I love her bink smile as we call it, she gives you a big old smile while still having her bink in her mouth.
-When she is super tired she plays with your face or hair.
-She is very ticklish(Rob says she gets this from me) and she can be crying mad and if you just tickle her she stops and laughs.
-How darn excited she gets EVERYTIME she sees me(it never gets old to her and I love it)
-How Dad comes home and for the first 20 mins she won't look at him, she smiles when he talks to her but will not look at him( I think she likes to tease her Dad!)
-Taytem's gorgeous BIG eyes!
-He loves being the big brother and wants to pack Taytem everywhere
-He can play for hours BYU football "play by play" all by himself(you have to see this, he even has the part of the BYU fight song which he hums while he(the team) runs out onto the field
-He loves to tell us all the time everything him and his Dad has in common for example: they love: ice cream, steak and potatoes, cereal, candy, PlayStation collage Football, Guitar Hero, BYU Football. This is just a few, ask him and he'll name them all.
-He loves when people tell him he looks just like his Dad especially now that they have the same glasses.
-When I go and volunteer in his class he makes sure he gives me a hug and kiss before I leave, and he doesn't care if the whole class sees.
-Sawyer's amazingly long eye lashes that any girl would die for.