Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Night

Sawyer and his cousins Maddux and Gus were football players. Rob went as their coach!
Taytem was a lion, to keep her warm!

Gerhig Pooh trying to escape his stroller

Sawyer and his dad carved these pumpkins the night before. We had other pumpkins but they were stolen off our porch. So we waited til the last minute to get more.

I'm Sawyer's room mother and I was in charge of the Halloween party. We had lots of fun and the party went really well. This is Sawyer and his teacher Mrs. Robbins (Little Miss Mufett)

Family Halloween Party

My aunt Lisa use to have the most wonderful Halloween parties when I was younger. It was always so much fun going to her parties. So this year I decided to do one for all of the kids in my family. It took alot of work and time but it was worth it.
This table had the food favors for the kids. Popcorn hands and Witches hats

We did most of the party out in my Moms garage, it was such a nice night. I was glad the weather cooperated.

We had dinner and then the kids played a few games, made the paper rockets and had a parade.

We had Mummy hot dogs and bone bread sticks!

The girls got these buckets that I made while the boys got black witch cauldrons for favors.

Thanks to my brother-in-law, Michael, we used his rocket launcher and the kids made rockets. This was quite the hit of the party!

My mom helping the kids with thier rockets.

My cousin Kate and my cousin Carly's new baby Levi.

My cousin Erica and my cousin Adriann's baby girl Madison(one of the twins)

Michael my cousins husband and the other twin Michael.

All of the kids outside

More of the Halloween Parade

Halloween Party!

Thank you to everyone for coming and for the pictures. I was so busy with the party that I forgot to take any pictures myself!! Sorry if I spelled any names wrong! Here are all of the cute kids that were at the party. I have pictures for everyone and I will be mailing them out!
Bently was so cute the whole time I was getting things ready walking in and out of the garage she would shut the door and lock me out!

Sorry Isabella wasn't to sure about standing by the ghost for his pic.

BYU football player, Vampire, mermaid, vampire
Sawyer, Maycee, Taytem and Easton

Dad and his girls

Gerhig is so silly, while the kids were playing a game trying to throw the candy corn in the pumpkin, he sat himself down on and started eating the candy corn off the ground that was missing the pumpkins!

Dasiy and Donald
Noah and Zoey
Zoey made my night, when she was approaching the party in her very cute little voice she exclaimed, "It's a Party! It's a Party!" she was so excited.

We had a special guest appearance from Tiger Woods himself!

Storm Trooper


Curious George, BYU football player, Bunny, BYU cheerleader
Kelson, Gus, Cassie, Brielle

Alien, Winnie the Pooh and Witch
Maddux, Gehrig, Quincey

Pink Fairy and Blue Fairy
Audrey and Whitney

Audrey was one of my favorites during the rockets, every time I would launch hers off she would giggle and giggle and giggle non-stop!

Witch and the Joker
Avire and Reese

Vampire, Prom Queen, BYU Cheerleader and Witch
Maycee, Brooke, Bri and Quincey

More Fall Break

For Fall Break almost all of the Grand kids on my side of the family went to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point.
back row:Gus
Middle: Maddux, Gerhig, Brielle, Quincey, Boston,Sawyer,Taytem, Kelson, Danielle, Kassie
Front:Cy, Bently
Danielle was such a good sport and waited in line for the train so we could all ride it! It was a very busy Friday and lots of lines to stand in.

The boys did the rock wall, and Gus went the highest!

I think the second biggest hit of the day were launching rockets. The kids loved this and we had to pull them away to do the other activities.

Sawyer and Taytem

Gerhig, Maddux, Taytem and Sawyer

Brielle, Bently and Quincey. The kids loved the slide, Bently had me taking her down them first(her Mom had foot surgery and couldn't) Then I passed her off to the girls and I think she had more fun with them!


We only lost a few kids that day! First was Kelson, he is only 3, then Sawyer and Gus, and then Sawyer and Maddux. (Maybe I shouldn't post that, because it seems like I'm a bad parent that MY child kept getting lost!)

Taytem and Boston. These two are only a month apart but Boston is bigger! The love playing with each other already.

Taytem kept grabbing Boston's hand and trying to eat it!

The first thing we did when we got there was the trampolines. The kids we so excited to do this.

Sawyer wasn't jumping very high til the man in charge came over and grabbed his feet and bounced him so high I thought Sawyer was going to cry. BUT he didn't and he loved it.