Thursday, June 12, 2008


Rob turned 34 this year and he is so excited for that. Sawyer, Taytem and I took a cake and some balloons to his work on Friday. No one there knew it was his birthday so I'm glad we went.
We kidnapped him from work for the rest of the day and went and saw IRON MAN, which Rob and Sawyer totally loved! I thought it was pretty good too. Taytem thought it was a little loud so we covered her ears and she loved all the flashing lights. Next we went to Sawyer's baseball game. Later that night just Rob and I went to eat at probably Rob's favorite spot Tepanyaki.
I think he had a good birthday!


Sara said...

ROB! How are we supposed to celebrate with you if you insist on keeping these secrets... Birthdays are for sharing! (We would have met you at Tepanyaki, after all!) Well, sorry we missed it... we would have known if we were BETTER friends, I guess! Hope it was a good one! Happy Birthday from us!

{jane} said...

Happy Birthday, Rob! Sounds like it was a great day!

I would love to join a bowling league with you guys, but unfortunately I have tried to convince Dusty more than once to do this with me and he won't have anything to do with it. bummer.

When we see you guys again, I hope soon, I have a bag of clothes/hand-me-downs to pass on to you for Taytem... I don't have a lot because Sela was born in Oct. so most of her small sizes were really warm clothes, but we did go on vacation during that time and I have some really really cute bikini/swimsuits for her!

jodi said...

Sounds like you guys had a great weekend, and Taytem looks so darling in her blessing dress...