Rob was given some really good tickets to the Jazz game, so we took the kids and Sawyer's cousin Jaxon. During the first half every time the music would play Taytem wanted to stand up on my lap and dance. One of the times she did I notice the camera was right on her and within seconds she was on the jumbo tron dancing away!! We were all excited except Sawyer. Ever since he was just little he has tried everything to get on the jumbo tron at the Jazz and Byu games.
So through out the rest of the game Jaxon and Sawyer tried and tried. Finally when it was almost over, they tried for the last time. Jaxon was dancing away and Sawyer was playing his air guitar.and they made it!! Jaxon lean over and yelled Sawyer we're on the TV. After we asked Sawyer if he saw himself up on the jumbo tron and he said no, I just put my head down and just played!!