Wednesday, June 18, 2008

1st summer boating night

Rob wakeboarding! If you haven't seen him well let me tell you he's awsome. Sawyer tells everyone his Dad can do a back flip and it's sooo coool!
My Brother and his family came with us. Travis his wife Chelsee, son Jaxon, Braxton, and little girl Bently.

The boys hanging out after knee boarding! They all got up on the first try.
Sawyer knee boarding. Rob says his goal this summer is to get Sawyer wakeboarding.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Rob turned 34 this year and he is so excited for that. Sawyer, Taytem and I took a cake and some balloons to his work on Friday. No one there knew it was his birthday so I'm glad we went.
We kidnapped him from work for the rest of the day and went and saw IRON MAN, which Rob and Sawyer totally loved! I thought it was pretty good too. Taytem thought it was a little loud so we covered her ears and she loved all the flashing lights. Next we went to Sawyer's baseball game. Later that night just Rob and I went to eat at probably Rob's favorite spot Tepanyaki.
I think he had a good birthday!

Taytem's Special Day!

Taytem and her proud dad! I think she willl get anything she wants from him. She already has him wrapped around her little finger.

Grandpa and Grandma Bushman came, with all of my side of the family!

Grandma and Grandpa Adams came all the way from Monticello along with lots of Aunts, Uncles, and cousins.

Taytem was blessed on Sunday May 25th by her Father. It was such a special day, we celebrated with lots of family.